I was so afraid of coming out as transgender that I struggled with OCD and psychosis as a teenager

Could be @CoCo . That’s where O admittedly get confused.


I have never disliked anyone cause they simply exist. And I can’t imagine anyone has to be honest. If someone dislikes something there is usually a reason why.

Many people dislike trans people for simply existing.


And all the racists that hate other races for existing.

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Trans people complain they aren’t represented enough. So we put them in video games such as breath of the wild (cross dressing in it) and final fantasy 7 remake…so that they are more represented. But it’s still not good enough. Still complaining.

This is what irks me to be honest. And a lot of people. It has nothing to do with simply existing. It’s the amount of complaining on the Internet.

If people said you were an abomination or were going to hell for being you, you’d complain somewhere.

Now, not all trans people are nice. Some are complete ■■■■■■■■. I won’t pretend that every trans person is a cotton candy sweetheart, but I will be an ally until they are treated the same as anyone else.


I watched a documentary a while back. About the time the African slave trade was booming “scientists” started classifying race cos if they could prove that somehow the African race was “inferior” then they could justify the slave trade. According to this documentary before the slave trade “race” did not exist. People had ethnicity and a certain shade of melanin.

Oh believe me I’ve been told I’m going to hell. But I consider the source (religious nutters) and once you consider the source well it means nothing. I don’t complain on the Internet.

Honestly, the big issue I face most days isn’t whether or not there are trans characters in video games. It is the way I am scared to use a restroom in public because I might get assaulted no matter which one I go to. It’s being denied jobs. It’s the way, just a few months ago, a trans man was beaten to the point of needing surgery a few blocks from me.


You just did. Lol. :wink:


Maybe there needs to be transgender toilets.

We have been saying this for DECADES.


By which i mean, advocating for single stall unisex toilets everywhere, instead of gender segregated communal toilets.


I say that because if all parties feel uncomfortable. Then those toilets should be made. Many women would not like a man coming into their bathroom. So there ideally needs to be transgender toilets.

That’s awful. Whether or not you agree with someone being trans gender. That person is still a human being. It wouldn’t fly in my family especially my dad but trans people are still people.

I want to make sure you are talking about the same thing as me before I agree. I am talking about making all bathrooms and changing areas single stall unisex spaces. I am not advocating for creating a third group stall restroom called “transgender bathrooms” and forcing trans men and trans women to share it.


I don’t agree with taking away male and female toilets. If you want to be respected as trans then please respect others who see themselves as a man or a woman. We need our toilets. You need yours.

@Qwerty you can’t demand I respect your gender while telling me I am not mine.


And trans people see themselves as a man or a woman and deserve to use whatever bathroom they are comfortable in. Forcing them to out themselves to PEE is ridiculous.

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Problem is. When you start taking away male and female toilets and replacing them with gender neutral it just won’t stop there. Soon enough men and women will all be required to wear gender neutral clothing etc. You can’t force someone to be a gender they aren’t.