That I never seriously considered marriage.
I’ve been married 16 years now. We have a great marriage and he’s very supportive. But in a marriage you have to consider the feelings of the other. Not demands but it’s still a give and take.
Marriage isn’t for everyone. I hope you either find the right person that makes the give and take worth it or you find peace and fulfillment without marriage.
I have a different problem - I get married before knowing the person because of my fear of being alone…
failed 1st marriage, 2nd I don’t know
I’m 57, and I never married. I’m not philosophically against it. I just never got around to it. Now I feel like I am too old to marry. Certainly too old to have kids. By the time they would be thirteen, I would be seventy. In a way I do feel I missed out not raising kids.
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