I was chosen

I was elected to the board of an organization for people with MI yesterday. Time will tell if it was a good decision to say yes. They wanted me there because of my experience with psychiatric care.


You’ve been chosen to represent us all. Best of luck!


Does it pay a wage?

No payment. But I get to say what I think and feel about things. Also I get to decide, togeather with the three others, what activities we are going to do during the year.

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Congratulations. That is very cool. I hope you get to meet some people, exchange information and enjoy.


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Are nami group here in town is really awful… Only one of the people has sz and the rest is a bunch of moms that cry on each other’s shoulders. I was hoping it’d be a place to make new friends.

Unfortunately this town schizos are drug induced cases(for the most part) and from what I’ve heard some of them refuse to quit. It would have been a mess if I got involved with those people.

It’s good you have the opportunity to foster a good organization for people. Fun activities and stuff. Would change everything here.

Guess I found this forum instead. No real need for additional help.

Edit: oh yeah, congratulations!!!

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Congratulations @Comatose - good for you! :grinning:

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We are usually 15-20 adults meeting every monday evening. Everyone have at some point had some kind of MI and find support from each other. I believe I’m the only one with sz there. But there are some (who have told me) with depressions and anxiety. Most of them do work in a place for disabled people. They are work-training. Training to eventually hold a real job.


Good stuff , have a good one.

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good on you.
take care :alien:

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