I felt that a boy was more wanted by my mother. Or maybe it was to make mother crazy. Because she was boy crazy. Our family suffered from a lack of sex education.
Mine too. I made sure I didn’t repeat that with my kids.
when my mom bought my brother a football helmet for Christmas,
she bought me one too! I thought it was pretty cool.
That happened to me about a basketball. This was when girl’s basketball hardly existed.
I wanted to be a boy because I thought they didn’t get hurt like girls.
In my adult life I found out my brother was molested like my sister and I.
No child is safe from the pervs.
Boys can be just as vulnerable as girls. I’m a male and I was molested by a woman in my childhood. Which may have exacerbated my psychosis.
Yes, I was molested by an angry stranger. Scared me to death, almost.
@PinCushion out of concern I want to ask, do you have anyone to discuss your childhood struggles with? We’re here to help but you may find more solace in a real life confidant.
My confidant took another job. I don’t feel the necessary connectivity with my present clinician to do a lot of in depth work with her. That may come in time, it may not.
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