Because if mother ain’t happy, ain’t NOBODY happy.
Yeah it was the same in my family.
And it’s pretty much the same now. Thankfully I don’t live with my mother anymore.
Faking happiness to cover her secret unhappiness. She didn’t fool me, it only agonized me. Now, I find myself doing the same.
I admire her efforts to try and be happy even if it was forced, it is still an attempt, she must have gone through bad things to feel secretly unhappy,
I’m sorry she couldn’t find someone to trust and open up to. excepting me who was a child. She unburdened herself to me and it was very difficult for me because I couldn’t accept any of it.
In what way did she unburden herself on you?, if you don’t mind me asking.
Anything from molesting a cat to hating this country. She also had fear of men that was evident even though she never spoke of it…
how comes,?
sounds rough to be at the receiving end of all of that as a kid
Her mother would give her no sex education. She couldn’t relax so everything was painfully tense. Her tubal ligation set her off, too.
I can relate. I only ever enjoyed sex once in my life and that is when I was drunk ://///////////
poor me ://///
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