I want to scream

i don’t know what gets over me sometimes this morning was fine this afternoon i broke down in the toilets and I want to scream at the top of my lungs but I can’t… i hate myself everyone hates me and i mean why would they like someone like me … :confused:

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It might be just a bad period,because your changing,for the better.Bear with it and hope you pull through,I had gone through something like that,maybe it’s part of someone with mental illness

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Nobody hates you ish. You’re under a lot of stress right now, so it’s possible you’re becoming a bit symptomatic as a result? I know that happens to me when stress hits.

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I feel like a worthless piece of ■■■■ and unworthy of anything and anyone in my life. I know I am symptomatic, but I was feeling ok this morning i don’t know where this came from.

I’m not a big believer in sub therapeutic dosing (i.e less than 10mg for abilify) , but everybody’s different. Have you considered going to 10mg?

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i will if this gets rid of the symptoms then i’d happily go along with it.

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Just remember what you feel isn’t permanent. It can change in time.


kalissi, the resurrector