I want to eat something nice

What is nice comfort food.

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OK sorted.
My brother wants to go creams.

Hey. How’s your diet going by the way? How much have you lost so far? Hope u enjoy your food.

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Strangely enough, one of my comfort food is a tomato-mozzarella-spinach salad.

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Grilled cheese sandwich dipped in tomato soup.

Homemade tuna casserole.

Fried egg on toast with a shot of hot sauce.

Perogies and kielbasa with a nice side of cooked cabbage.



rogies and sour cream, bacon bits :ok_hand:

@anon51377248 try eggo waffles :relaxed:


Mc Donald’s meal yummy

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Not lost loads due to binges. I might be 74kg atm. So lost a few kg but a month ago I was 67.5kg!
How’s ur weight journey going

Mac n cheese
Biscuits and gravy
Basically anything unhealthy lol.

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Not good I put on weight due to drinking but have quit for couple of weeks. Started slimming world since a week but haven’t lost anything.

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My easiest comfort foods have always been macaroni and cheese, or pizza, or egg rolls, or nachos, or potato chips and chip dip. Or cola and hostess cupcake.

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Creamy potato gratin…

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My go to comfort food is soup and crusty bread with butter


What butter do you use? I like lurpak spreadable

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Ooo I love a bit of lurpak but I find it hard to spread sometimes if it’s been in the fridge :frowning: I like proper butter :smiley:


As long as it’s deep fried you’re good :stuck_out_tongue:


Taco night is always comforting


Chili is one of my faves.
I also like shrimp.
And sushi.


I really want to try and make chili cheese fries at home sometime.

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I made thai peanut sauce. It’s good with broiled chicken.

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