I want to do something special with myself

i want to work h ard and achieve something near and dear to my heart. i worked hard at learning to manage my sz and go on with my life and even normalize it mostly and it happened for me. now i want to achieve, like to play piano and violin well and to be well read and maybe more.

because of laziness or sz or a good measure of both i just don’t do the elbow grease much anymore. i hope i can get up and work hard for my new dreams really soon and well.

wishing y’all a great week, judy :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :rofl: :joy: :blush: :wink:


Pick one thing you want to try. You will be less overwhelmed and the task or hobby will be your only focus until you decide to do something else. Committing to one thing at a time is key.

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thanks sweetpotatopie. excellent idea and direction for me. thanks, judy

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Thanks for sharing that with us. This chronic loss of motivation kicks my butt too.

This sounds like an amazing things you want to do, i really hope you can achieve, i love piano and i have been concentrating on learning that and some other instruments myself, its so much fun, i have always liked the violin as well, my great grandad apparently played very well

I will pray that you can do all the things you want to do and enjoy it despite all the hardships. :pray: :palms_up_together: :fist:

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