I want to be a person who has his life in order

That means I’m gonna start keeping my surrounding more orderly and clean. I’m gonna clean up things today and get rid of what I don’t need.


I also want to fix some things

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Is that hard for you? Because I have some tricks if you need help.

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Yeah I have struggled with that always. I want to become better at it, it’s a goal I have currently, along with daily exercise. I would gladly receive tips. I have some boxes with stuff in my bedroom that has stood there a long time, I will fix it up today, throw away/sell stuff.

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Me too. Please let me know if you figure out the secret.


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Oh, I see. You aren’t alone. I have met many, many people who have a hard time. More people have a hard time than don’t actually.

My tip is…Get a garbage bag in your hand and begin in the room you want cleaned, usually people want their living/dining area cleared. Start at one end and pick something up, decide is it;

garbage = goes in the bag
definite keep = goes where it belongs (or bin if it doesn’t have a place yet)
undecided = goes in a second box or bin
donate = goes in a third box

When you are all done take out the garbage then rest. The next day try to get your donate box or boxes taken away. Work on finding places for your keep stuff to live. Work on slowly organizing all your keep things until you have it how you want it a little each day, and stay on top of the trash each day too. By the end of a week, hopefully you are fairly organized and still trash free. Now you can go back to the box you were unsure about and try to make a decision on each thing, I think you will be able to choose. If you still can’t, keep the things, but neatly store the box.


@Leaf thanks for sharing the tips.

I got the boxes cleaned out my bedroom. It feels good!!

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I can tell you thats how i got out of my last hole and thats how im getting out of my current hole

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That’s incredible. If you spend a lot of time in there you will really appreciate the new spacious

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I want to be a person.

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I want to be order

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