The church is sitting on the original copies.
They hoarde it.
This piece of trash they gave us isn’t the real thing.
I want to know what it says vatican.
Completely different book isn’t it.
The church is sitting on the original copies.
They hoarde it.
This piece of trash they gave us isn’t the real thing.
I want to know what it says vatican.
Completely different book isn’t it.
Why not get up all the way out of the Western religious (not spiritual; they’re two different things) box, and look into Something Completely Different?
Why not write your own book? Put what you want to see in there? It worked for Ron Hubbard!
Yeah “pixelf” No Doubt ,
Tha Band TOOL Doesn’t Lyke Scientology Either … ,
Hmm What’s Tha SonggG Thaz Talks About It (???) ,
Hmmmmmm …
I said it worked for Hubbard. Didn’t say it worked for anyone else, other than maybe that David Miscarriage rat who is currently in charge. Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free!
I heard someone call Tool the modern Beethoven, its a shame they’re not on Spotify…
Knock yourself out, here’s the original.
The Catholics are working for the other side, judging from my family. The coven is all over the place.
The coven can turn anyone. Watch out.
We’ve been rejected by them as a host for our genetic inferiority. More adept schizos are assimilated I believe.
(Some of the stories I have heard from expatriots made my skin crawl.)
I want to start a religion based on hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy by douglas adams. Main thing stopping me is I just know there’ll be a religious war over what colour towels we use.
Not me. (I am NOT moses.) (For a =very= good reason.)
Don’t panic!
I want to write that book lol
Sum hard core tech thriller
I’ll just recommend zeitgeist movement defined