I want a cat but

Afraid of the prezzies. Is there cats they don’t bring prezzies

Let me google it, one sec.

Lol dead birds , rats , mice :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, you could always get one of those breeds that are meant to be indoors, like a holy birma or a persian.



You do not have to let your cat go outside. I have had two cats - they both stayed indoors.
I just dedicate pet time and play time so they do not get bored or ill.

You can contact the shelter and see if they have a match for you :o)
I like my cat, she is so funny and cheers me up


My kitties go in and out as they please. Yes, indeed they bring home presents. My calico is a murderess and I get 1-3 dead critters and pieces/body parts to pick up everyday.

Tuesday night, one of these critters brought a live bird into the house.


My cat stays indoors, no presents and so cuddly and cute


Unfortunately we have mice , and I don’t want the cat to bring me dead mice :mouse2:


The good news there would be that, after a few weeks of finding dead mice, you probably won’t have a mouse problem anymore.


No I still do. They bring them inside to play with then let them loose inside. Little bastards


Here you go

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If you love your cat you will keep them inside. If you don’t want to clean the litter box then please don’t get a cat. An outside cat is less litter box to clean, but then someone else has to clean up the poop, that’s just being lazy.
That would be like having a baby, but expecting someone else to change the diaper.

Don’t get a pet unless your going to care for it.


L00ky, it’s one of those one-eyed winking cats!
@anon80629714, wouldn’t you want the front end too, not just the back end?
@naturallycured, you understand… :wink:

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Yeah it’s called having an indoor cat LOL. If you don’t let it outside it can’t hunt.

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I just got a cat. He’s an almost grown kitten and a male yellow tabby. I suppose I’ll have to get him neutered. That’s the policy where I live. He’s a very assertive cat. If he wants something he just goes after it. He’s expert at slipping between my feet when I open the door to my room. He’s shedding right now, which is kind of a hassle. I don’t let him lay on my bed, but I do pick him up occasionally, and afterwards I have cat hair all over the front of my shirt.


Brush him. That will take the hair off in a controlled way. It’s this time of year when they’re trying to rid themselves of their "Winter Coat."
You can use a special (expensive) one, or just a regular nylon (easier to clean) bristle brush.
Start By just a few quick firm brush strokes from head to tail, then if tolerated, keep brushing until he lets you know that’s enough for now.

My black kitty hated being brushed at first, but he loved to be petted. I tricked him into letting me brush him by never letting him see the brush. What he don’t know don’t hurt.

Persistance pays off.


I saw a video of a cat clawing the eyes out of their owner when they tried to kiss it. After that I was like “■■■■ cats”.

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I don’t want to get a cat just to kill mice around the house… I don’t want to see a mouse split in half.

My cat is a darling. Smartest little critter and meows all the time like she’s talking to you!

Cats are easy animals to have for the afflicted. A cat looks after itself basically if you give it some clean litter…keep it clean! and you give it food regularly.

Cats are great mousers. My cat is so spoiled she catches mice and just plays with them. She’ll bring them into you…but we leave them outside. It’s nothing different…we still cuddle all the time…she isn’t going to eat one though!

When I was overseas one of my brothers had some mice in a cage…they got out. My little Charlie brought back the mouser unhurt and my mum saved it! A well fed cat isn’t a problem! They do like cuddles though!

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