Okay so I have been really good on my gluten free diet (due to celiac) and I’m feeling better in the gut area, I’ve been using sugar scrub, moisturizing soap, acne wash on my forehead, a lot of heavy conditioner when I shower and my hair isn’t being nearly as knotted as it use to and my skin is a lot softer, and my forehead feels smoother, so I’m feeling more feminine in that way but I wanna do more I wanna wear high heels, wear makeup, wear dresses… I love being feminine and want to look it… I wanna wash my face morning and night, do my hair more, I wanna enjoy who I am on the inside and show that on the outside
Taking care of yourself is a good way to stay away from depression. Doing little things like mini facials and polishing your nails and conditioning your hair are signals that hey I’m important, I’m worth it.
I always feel so good when I take that extra few minutes to take care of my face, or put lotion on my feet. Keep it up. There’s a lot of value in what you’re doing.
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