I’ve been very arrogant on here…. all idiots (behind a computer screen)

I don’t think I could understand that you’re all People I’m really sorry I have no relationship with anyone here because I’ve just been so up my own arse….
I think all i ever wanted to do was show off and try to show how great I am
I apologise… There are also so many people here… I don’t know how to keep track and pay attention
Seem to be losing the kind of delusion that I’m the greatest and only human here


You have very nice ankles.



My real name is 88nick88.


Nick sorry xxx you’re the funniest


lol. I think you should make that your tagline.


I’m more partial to the number 69.



Skunks tend to be idiots. We are lucky to walk out of the house fully dressed.

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Hey nick guess wat

Tomorrow is 8.8.

It is your special day as 88Nick88

Oh and also I was born in 1988

Omg this is just too much.



im constantly an idiot
even when im trying to say “no one is judging you for being an idiot” in front of a group of people

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I haven’t been affected by it but I always appreciate efforts to try to rectify behavior you find unacceptable.

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It gets weirder, today is 8.8.

I want to buy a keyboard with a piano number of keys today, and it turns out it is…

88 keys!!


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I used to think that 88 meant idiot because they both sound the same

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Pre-sz I was pretty arrogant. Sz humbled me.


88 also means “heil hitler” =O


you gotta explain that one for me because I don’t see the connection

It’s a white supremacist numerical code. Don’t know why it was brought to our attention. They use it to talk about things cryptically when plotting to escape government detection. But it’s a known fact, so I dunno why they would use known codes.

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H is the 8th letter of the alfabet. so 88 is HH

Once I ate 8 pieces of bread in an hour.
Pretty freaky, huh?

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The ducks at your park prolly felt jelly.