I used to not accept rides with dates

When I was young I went out to dinner with a guy who picked me up. After dinner he drove to the making out parking lot of a city park and pounced on me. I was afraid to tell him to stop, out of fear he would dump me out, and not drive me home.

Since that I always meet a person/people at the restaurant.


I am sorry you had to go through that. :dog::dog::dog:

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Thanks GrayBear.

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I had seen him around the gay bars and elsewhere, but it was the first time I went out with him. I actually had more trouble with guys my own age than older guys.

When a lesbian couple had me drive one of their brothers who came out as gay to a party, I was the gentleman. I took him there and drove him back without pouncing on him.

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You sir are a gentlemen. :fish::fish::fish:

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Thanks GrayBear.

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That sounds kind of traumatic. I hope you had other good dates besides that.

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I did bad stuff during my prodromal sz. I regret these and wish that I could erase them from my memories. I was hypersexual, maybe from sz causing too much dopamine. Now my sex drive is normal on Risperdal. It was much worse on Abilify.

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Yes, I did. I just wouldn’t go out with him any more.

Actually prodromal sz hypersexuality was slightly worse than on Abilify.

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Sorry to hear that Ariz. I have my regrets too.

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I think unmedicated sz makes us impulsive and take big risks.

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This stuff went on back when I was 19 and 20, before I had my first boyfriend. I didn’t have SzA then.

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When were you diagnosed? I was diagnosed at 20 y.o.

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But I had symptoms as early as 15 y.o.

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When I was 35. I started having symptoms at 30.

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I didn’t get treated until I moved back in with my mom when I couldn’t work any longer.

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I can’t remember now if it was 1993 or 1994 I moved in with mom.

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Me too before sz I was able to work. I kept a job for over 3 years. After sz I quit 10 different jobs after up to a few weeks. I was never able to work after sz except for a very low stress job at my mother’s accounting office entering Excel data and scanning documents, I was on Latuda 80mg back then but I had some positive symptoms and some catatonia. Sz sucks.

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