I thought quitting smoking

Would make food smell and taste better but most things are icky. Bread and milk are the worst offenders.

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Honestly I think over time it does improve. The biggest problem with taste is that it declines as you get older. I’m soon to be 50 and I love spice. Just need something to give food a pop but I still like the simple things…I know it’s hard and it’s so good what you are doing for your health but it will improve. Hang in there.

Thanks. I sure hope it improves. I have to get the kids to smell things so I’m not throwing stuff out.

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My mothers got a killer nose on her - she swears it cos of the steroids for her asthma,
Quite often she says i stink. lol.

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I’ve gone nose blind to my own stinkiness

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When you are not craving cigarettes anymore you get lots of freedom, not chained to the cigarettes anymore. Wavering gives and not take away.

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