I think we eat because we didn't ask to be born

There seems to be a sense of victory in sitting down and devouring a meal. Getting even with the gods that put us on this Earth.

When I was younger and had good metabolism I could eat anything and everything in sight and not get fat. Now I look at an oreo and gain 10lbs.

Becoming an adult is bloody rubbish.

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I think I eat because I’m hungry but maybe I’m under-thinking this, like one of those easy-looking questions at the opening of a school lesson that end up being very philosophical…

I eat as much food as I can. I figure if I don’t eat it myself, then someone else will eat it so it might as well be me.

The gods gave us the hunger…so I can’t agree with you that eating is some sort of revenge act…when its simply a natural requirement for sustaining the living part of your life…plus nothing brings people together like a good feast…I don’t think we would have made it as a race…if feasting with loved ones and or your community…wasn’t so bonding and enjoyable…

I think the only way to get even would be to become a god.

But then you might do that and they’d be like, “We didn’t put you there. We don’t even know how we got here.”.

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Lol so pull a kratos…

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I grew up in a poor, rural county and went to school with kids who went hungry. I think I was just expressing the fact that I was a guilty eater.

Revenge on the gods and feeling guilty about not going hungry seem like vastly diff issues…also not your fault you wernt stealing these other kids meals I’m assuming…you wernt sneaking into the poor’s homes and looting all their food…were you?

No. But it made me feel helpless. Now there are food stamps but they didn’t exist then.

I agree with you on the helplessness feeling on issues such as world hunger ect…but not the guilt part…