I think this is my Schizophrenia

I don’t know why I’m diagnosed with Paranoid type Schizophrenia…

I am bitten by a Rabies monkey when I was in 2nd grade. Everybody says Rabies is a killer and I wouldn’t be able to survive because rabies virus is fatal and I’m only alive because of rabies vaccine.

I think I read some where on the internet that Rabies vaccine is like sending dead rabies virus into the body to make the body’s immune system to take care of rabies virus.

I think the rabies virus is neutralised but not nullified completely,

I believe rabies virus is eating something in the brain and that is why the healthy brain

stays unhealthy and we continue to have cognitive symptoms and positive symptoms

as long as the rabies neutralised or rabies spores is alive inside the head and maybe it is

also alive in the backbone.

And use of anti-psychotics causes negative symptoms.

It is called as Schizophrenia and the medical World never tells you that

it is actually a not a fullscale non fatal rabies virus in action.

That is why Schizophrenia is a brain degenerative disease.

Because the virus is still alive, in one form or the other.

And maybe our saliva and body fluids when enter another human they get Schizophrenia.

I think sperms and eggs may not carry rabies infection or spores infection.

This is what I think is the cause of Schizophrenia.

I think this is my Schizophrenia.

U mean monkey bite cause ur Sz…!!!

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I think any rabies animal causes schizophrenia and schizophrenia is a non fullblown non fatal stage of rabies infection.

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I believe schizophrenics get schizophrenia from some other life form with non fatal non fullblown or in other words vaccinated rabies virus infection

i think rabies has nothing to do with Sz…!!! We still don’t know what wrong goes wrong in the mind of Sz …there is no any surety what causes Sz…most of people say it’s due to increment in a volume especially dopamine in our mind …!!!


Its ur delusion than …!!! don’t quit ur medicine …be on it …tho’ u can lower it’s dose …Talk to our pdoc about it…!!!

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it took me seven different medications and almost two years b4 i found the medication that worked for me. since i have life has been so much more improved. don’t give up!!!

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Although rabies does indeed cause psychosis and aggression, it is not the cause of schizophrenia. I understand why you may think that it is, but if you still had rabies you would not be alive today, so it clearly isn’t that. Also, even though you are experiencing psychosis, you are not experiencing any other symptoms of rabies.

You have schizophrenia, not rabies.


My life too is improved but my ability is worse since I could remember and that’s why I’m still unmarried and living with parents, a total loser, indeed.

i heard recently on the radio that living with parents is a very common living arrangements now a days. just think if you had been married you could have child support payments LOL (an attempt at humor) but that is what i tell myself when i feel badly about never having been married

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Dear friend, I don’t think such things exist here in India.

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I believe sz is nothing but act of cold war by evil lifeforms-evil armies.

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hang on

I thought that was supposed to be

See no evil, hear no evil, say no evil

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but truth is truth, can never deny the truth

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a female mother monkey took flesh out of my baby body - baby arm

and you still believe in monkey nonsense ???

it sounds horrific

so sorry

did you have to get the shots?

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the other kids used to say

it was 8 shots in the belly button

I believed it too

about 30 shots and in later years when someone asked about shots and when I said like 30 they never agreed,

When I was a kid the Doctor my Father’s friend himself gave me 24 injections around the belly on a time to time basis, which I don’t remember and all in all it was like 30 injections including that on shoulders

but many people say today’s vaccination of rabies is like few injections and they simply don’t believe it

and I am not sure if I remeber correctly but I think my own parents denied the fact I was given 24 injections around the belly.


my mom got shots so I could outside her womb

rare weird blood type

*live outside her womb