Well it’s my experience that they all see through me with such ease it doesn’t interrupt their flow of life. Whether it’s real or not it’s annoying as hell. I can’t even explain the kind of mental transformation I’ve been put through.
Even if it were to b real (which it’s not) they wouldn’t b able to concentrate on both ur constant flow of thoughts and their own and their seperate voice in ur head. It would b overwhelming for them. They simply coukdnt listen to ur thoughts all the time and function in their own lives normally. It’s just not possible. So either they’re talk to u and not listen to u, which is bloody pointless so far as I can c or its not real. What do u think? Xxx
I’m ■■■■■■■ torn it seems so real but it’s just not possible like you said. But at the same time it just doesn’t seem like it’s me
I know it seems real. I live it every day, just the same as u but every time u get wobbly about where it’s coming from just go over it in ur mind. If ur voices r anything like mine they’ll come up with every conceivable reason that it’s true but u have to b strong and reason it out. The more u think about the how and the why, the closer Ull come to not believing it. I’m always here if u need me ok? Xxx
Thanks jayne, I can seemingly control everything in my mind but this. My main voices are going away maybe this will too in time.
You know it is possible that mind control technology which is just one directed communication, could make you believe everyone is able to read your thoughts telepathically? they are experts at creating disinformation, believable illusions, decoying, and such.
On the other hand it could just as easily be your own minds way of dealing with what was just a one source telepathy at some point, and your cognitive processes created the delusion that everyone can read your thoughts.
It’s certainly something to try to evaluate and see if you can pinpoint the source, then deal with it is a positive way so it doesnt negatively affect your life.
If I’m alone and I keep myself preoccupied that’s about as normal as things get
for god’s sake man, there was no one source telepathy that bryan’s mind created a delusion from. the only bit u got right is that it’s a delusion. he is not a person of interest. he did not invent perpetual motion or free energy or anything world changing and if he did they’d just kill him. why waste time with monitoring when u can just kill someone? he’s ill. that’s it. what is everybody’s problem with accepting the possibility that u may well b suffering from a brain disease called schizophrenia that is well known for a delusion called thought broadcasting, in which the patient believes that people can read their mind?
if u don’t mind me asking emporer, what qualifies u to speak of such things as telepathy as if u know what any governments r doing or not doing with it? and if spirits could really talk to us telepathically then why don’t they talk to well known mediums on tv? if i was dead and i wanted to contact my family, i would go straight to one of these so called mediums and tell them my full name, address, date of birth, my parents, children’s and family names so that they could b traced and informed that i was ok. why has this NEVER happened? because there is no telepathic communication with the dead. these mediums say they receive pictures from spirits…so y don’t these spirits send pictures of their full name and address, birth and death dates? they never do do they? it’s always…“i’m getting a g name, gordon, grahem, greg?” or “I’m feeling a pain in my leg, does that mean anything to u?” it’s bollocks! christ, if i was dead and i knew i could communicate with someone i would b screaming it from the rooftops so that the whole world knew that it wasn’t the end of life but rebirth of a new one. it never happens because it’s bollocks. i myself hear the voices of the dead. dead famous people and lo and behold, it’s all so secret that they don’t want people to know it’s real…it’s absolutely laughable.
show me proof of telepathy and i’ll show u a debunker every time. why did the cia stop spending money on their remote viewing programme if it was so successful? why bother with technology that can read minds and simulate voices if people can do it? they spent twenty million dollars for god’s sake and came up with a few sketchy results. that’s why they stopped funding it. i once read a book on the supposed russian star of psi wars, nina kalugina…apparently her eyes glowed when she moved things using psych kinesis…pfft! it’s bloody hilarious. i was really into this stuff back then but not anymore as i’ve read the other side of the coin and now know differently, though please correct me if i’m wrong. don’t u think that most if not all of the ex government employees claims were not paid for propaganda? i do. but i’m sure u’ll correct me. but b4 u do, please tell me ur qualifications in psi ops. just bcoz u hear voices, doesn’t make u a telepath. xxx
A person doesnt have to be a person of interest to be targeted. that’s where many people get it wrong. They target unsuspecting regular people, or people who show some sign of having abilities, such as certain forms of spirituality, remote viewing etc.
For that matter, you all have been TOLD by the media powers remote viewing and other clandestine programs have been stopped…so we believe them? Does it work every time it’s tried? NO. Does it work sometimes? ABSOLUTELY.
Can a person at times remotely view on a battlefield and punch in coordinates or pass along intelligence, even cause distractions that assist their countries militaries? YES. At times it does work.
"Hundreds of intelligence gathering “missions” have been conducted within the Stargate Program, including determining the whereabouts of Muammar Gaddafi, marines kidnapped in Lebanon, and North Korean plutonium. The U.S. military continues to employ psychics: it is reported that psychics were employed to help find Saddam Hussein, and that the Department of Homeland Security hopes to adopt Russian “mind-reading” technology to identify terrorists.
Similarly, a classified report released recently under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that the British Ministry of Defense contracted commercial researchers to investigate psychic ability, perhaps so that they could use remote viewing to find Osama bin Laden and locate Iraqi weapons caches."
And, I and my late wife were involved in some things along these lines, and I won’t go into details. I’ll just say I know it’s real, and I know it is current.
Here is more, and yes of course they deny it…that’s their job to deny things such as this until they are ready to tell the public:
Idk how clearer I can get. My guard card instructor said my speech from the night before word for word.
After telling a guy (in my head) I was sorry for thinking f up things and that I was getting use to this new discovery and him responding “yeah I understand that” out loud. Constant factors.
It’s not impossible to believe. People years ago said no one would be able to fly. If they could see what we have accomplished now. Scientist are bringing out the capability to put on A screen what your mind is thinking. Anything is possible.
People taking acid together and breaking that barrier of reading each others thoughts. There’s hundreds of stories. And if there is a society with this capability they would keep it to them selves. When we alone find a clothing line no one has heard of we try to keep it to ourself because we wanna be the few who know about it. How long has the deep web been around until it has caught media coverage and its on tv shows and movies. The deep web has been around for years and no one wanted to tell each other about it because it was their secret that was kept within the few. Like I’ve been saying there’s so many things that has happen to me and I’ve caught on and have caught them saying doing things that give it away. If I had that capability. Shiii if I could teleport I wouldnt tell a soul. I would just do it for my advantage. That’s what the world feeds on. I don’t wanna tell you the cruel truth but the world is cruel always has been and always will be. It’s a dog eat dog world. Any advantage anyone has against the other, that person will take it and not share it.
Jeffsee, all that stuff is true. You are also right that people tend to keep things like this to themselves.
I remember my Mom telling me some day there would be a computer in every home. I couldn’t see it at the time…it was just fiction and I was naive to the way todays dreams of technology become tomorrows realities.
Now of course there are computers in almost every home, or at least they are out there for people to buy if they want one.
Same thing with flight, same thing with going to the Moon, and same thing with all this mind interface technology and psychic enhancement technology. Artificial telepathy is real today, and of course most people who run it want to keep it secret.
So there’s no way in stoping them from being on the sack. Or learning. Or some how blocking the telepathy (no hat foil either) lol
No tin foil hats, LOL…they don’t work and actually can enhance signals, being made of aluminum.
By having faith in God, by recognizing what you are up against, and using knowledge to withstand them…there are things we can do.
Usually they speak there ignorance and that’s it. But recently they have taken it to the next level. I went to Apple Bs and after I was done eating I over heard my server and an employees talking about putting four shots of something. He also said that “she only put three if she would of put four he would be having I heart attack right here.” And I’m looking straight at them as they are speaking. As I’m In my car to leave I start to get shaky and I can feel my heart pounding rapidly my vision gets kinda foggy and blurry I manage to get home and I feel like I’m going to faint. I go to sleep and the symptoms went away. But now I got this discomfort in my chest left side and back left side and I seem to run out of breath fairly quickly. It’s been like this for two weeks now. I don’t wanna think they did anything but idk what else it can be. Ima go get checked this week.
It’s gotten to the point that they are actually making contact. The other day I went out to a bar and this two guys walk towards I’m walking the opposite. One of them bumps into me after saying a remark in regards to something in the passed. And more occasion such as this has happen.
In the interest of everyone I would like to ask that when trying to show support and understanding and in sharing knowledge that it be tampered a little bit with the understanding that fueling someones paranoia may not be in their best interest.
I’m sorry you are experiencing what you are experiencing Jeffsee. It seems you may be dealing with some anxiety and/or panic and that may be contributing to the discomfort in your chest and shortness of breath. Have you spoken to anyone about this?
yeah these guys especially lunaseer really arent helping me out. Im trying to get grounded in reality. Maybe its my fault im talking to people that are a crazy as I am. They all do seem like they’ve got a confidence and the ability to be in one place fully imersed in the moment that telepathy might bring. My mind is always wandering looking for answers. Things they know. I dont really know what to make of it all. GD im schizo
Sorry about that…don’t mean to.
Truth is there are things caused by SZ purely in the mind, and then there are things others do to people, and sometimes its hard to differentiate between the two.
I know much of mine as well as my late wifes was CAUSED by external forces. then it actually becomes something in the mind because the mind has to deal with the extremeness of it all.
I know at times I’ve been paranoid for no reason at all. It’s just my mind playing tricks. Other times things have happened that come from external sources, and having worked with some of those sources I know its quite real.
My personal goal is to be able to handle and control symptoms no matter where they originate from. Actually some of the symptoms themselves don’t bother me most of the time. I just learned not to freak out over them.
Well im sitting here alone and there is no telepathy no extra interference. Ive got rolling voices but that different. But when ever I get around people its like boom there is telepathy and they reading my mind again. Its not real to them that what I make of it. They dont give a ■■■■ at all what happens telepathically, but I do Im not used to it. Maybe after a couple years it wont bother me as much
So they are not experiencing the same thing? That’s what I’m trying to figure out. If they are not verifying your actual thoughts, then it’s possible you just think they are telepathic.
I reached a point years ago where most of this kind of stuff doesn’t bother me.