I think the root is the emotional end of it

i am not philosophizing – i just think the root of my sz is emotional and that the negative is “killing” me.

just thought i’d share the thought.


The negative is killing a lot of us. You’re not alone. If you find something that works let us know.

will do crimby will do. I think we need to take the time and effort to be happy by doing things we enjoy not just what is necessary for survival… then the positive begins… hopefully I am right on this one.

hugs judy

i think my illness was caused by heaps of stress and having a really shitty life and being isolated now i have a great life and ive recovered

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I’m glad you recovered @mozart4646 :relaxed:

Dats pretty cool man

I put this with my bookmarks

Many of us have SZ for many reasons. The general thought is that it’s genetic. There are several cases of mental illness in my family and nothing could have prevented me from having it. You’re not to blame, nobody’s to blame. It is true that there are many emotions involved.
I didn’t have a happy childhood, I wasn’t a happy teenager. Indeed, I suffered a lot from bullying and e.g one day I found that my “mates” in class, had left me a sex toy as a prank after coming back to class.
Then my sister got ill from anorexia and that was when everything gone bad to worse. My father and she would discuss ALL DAY LONG. And then was when I decided to drift apart and focus on my studies. I started working, learning languages, teaching languages, taking part on every event at school, going to the gym, I DID EVERYTHING I COULD TO ESCAPE FROM HELL AT HOME, TO ESCAPE FROM BULLYS at school…
As soon as I started college, my own hell started. I got paranoid SZ and left my studies…
I tell you all that because negative mood influenced me a lot.
As now, possitivity. After a decade of coping with this, I learned many mood things, especially THAT I AM THE ONE WHO CONTROLS MY MOOD. And the many times that I have a negative feeling, I just say "it is paranoia. It doesn’t exist"
I know it is hard, but everytime negative symptoms show at my door, I start singing. I have taken up and left many activities, but I never stop trying.
It is a way of life, I think. It is overcoming the feeling of something is wrong, I’d be better if…
I have written a daddy’s phrase before and I know it would be helpful:
Daia, This is a crap life. But it is worth the living.

sorry daiana that you’ve been through so much.

i understand, totally.

hugs, judy

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I don’t understand this at all, but thanks for bringing back the thread.

If I have any emotion, it’s anger, but that’s from PTSD.
mostly blunt.

Is it mood? bipolar? depression? doesn’t sound like sz.

Exercise helps my negativity and I think most everyone’s but I’m becoming so enfeebled by arthritis and COPD that I’m having difficulty exercising enough to make a difference in my mood.

I think spending time outdoors and freshening up with showers might substitute for exercise somewhat in creating positive attitude. Also recently I’ve started relaxing and searching for three good things that happened each day. Any other ideas?