/overlooked case of encephalitis which become “residual”after the actue period of encephalitis , when it still left in our brains by some ways we dun know, after time it may affect us with the presence of “psychotic symptoms”
i said so because i have sinusitis , and sinusitis are caused by virus (acute, inital stage), and it becomes chornic now and i actually got symptoms of psychosis (tbh i dun think that is a sheer coincidence) , more than , instead of just focusing on sinusitis , i think there could be a chance that there are paths for the viruses to get to our brain by sinuses /whatever channels ( not neccesially sinusitis)
. and clozapine actually works for viruses , i dun think it is a coincidence as well , but i think people who finally got the virus present with schizophrenia illness may be due to a immue response that’s different from the general people , that’s about the gene, if not , most of the people may present with psychotic symtoms easily,or it may no, though.