I think my therapist is trying to kiss me

Maybe thats the delusion. I don’t think that I worry about being gay though.

Look if he does kiss you, you got a good lawsuit and a nice payday on your hands

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Haha that’s too funny.

Do u feel like he may be In love with u? And that that’s the reason why he’s trying to kiss u? Bc then ur developing erotomania.

Just keep staring at his lips to make sure they don’t come too close :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s not the first time I thought about him being attracted to me. He’s never tried to kiss me so it might be a delusion.

No pun is intended in the following.

I’ve had 1 woman therapist and 2 guy therapists. I don’t have an inclination towards one or the other because they all sucked. Although I think I want to find a woman to be a therapist. Someone who is around my age and not 10+ years older. But the schooling takes so long that by the time I get one the damage will already, and has, been done.

Come to think about it I thought that my previous therapist wanted to have sex with me. Maybe it’s just therapists.

Maybe it’s just you :hushed:


Let him down easy with flowers.


Sleep with his wife to get even with him.


You may have to try several before you find one you’re comfortable with.

Yeah maybe I also thought my last one wanted to have sex with me.

@77nick77 you are too funny lol.

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Hell, you should have told this to my old therapist. She was a drop-dead gorgeous half-Indian woman. I tried to make her laugh but after many icy stares back in return I realized she was all business.
Ah, Jazmin. Still haunting my dreams 10 years after I last saw her. She was very nice too and she told me she liked me which is the only thing that helped me in the 37 years I’ve been having therapy with various therapists.


I’d get a new therapist. It’s obvious that you can’t have successful therapy with this guy, whether he is coming on to you or not.

Wish my last pdoc would of kissed me.
She was unusually attractive for a psychiatrist.
One of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen.


Well, it’s always nice to be liked.

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Maybe you’re reading him wrong and maybe he just wants a hug and a friendly grope.

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I think you could well be experiencing some sort of delusion. If you don’t like the therapist or think he’s helping then of course look into switching. It’s not uncommon for them to provide a referral, they often understand that they can’t be a good fit with everyone and as long as you explain you just aren’t able to connect they have no reason to be offended.

While it’s not out of the question that your therapist would be coming on to you, I think that you may be picking up on signals in odd ways. There’s so much that happens in the our brains that you can be overwhelmed by signals and trying to form an understanding of a situation with so many conflicting pieces that your conclusion is off center. I think that if you do decide to switch you should try to figure out if this is a delusion or not first because it could be a problem that follows you from therapist to therapist. When you’re in a situation where you have to be vulnerable you can have a whole influx of things come in that are hard to understand. Perhaps you feel vulnerable and believing the therapist is attracted to you gives you a sense of power or maybe helps you feel equal if you have had to express a lot of sensitive information or feel weak. You could be dealing with so many thoughts when you’re guard is down that you misread things. I have had instances where I am stressed or anxious in public and the overload of stimuli and anxiety has lead to me read into things I otherwise wouldn’t have, even if I logically could see why they were not true. I had to learn how to fight against the voices and thoughts and even then it didn’t stop completely. I’m just throwing out ideas here. There are a lot of things that could be accounting for why you’re picking up on these signals. I think that especially if you have had similar experiences before it’s worth it to try to figure out the cause of it either with this therapist or another. I can see how talking about it with the current therapist would likely be uncomfortable but it seems like it may be a part of a deeper issue or at least something that’s getting in the way of your treatment.

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