I think my (assistant) manager stole from the store today

She took food, started eating it, and never paid. At the end of the night we’re supposed to show each other our bags and receipts etc. She had already eaten the food but I never saw her pay and I never saw receipts.

I gave her my food because she was hungry so she really didn’t need to steal.

Other things went on tonight too.

It’s an uncomfortable situation


Dang. That’s a really rough situation. I’m sorry things went down like that. I hope tomorrow is better.

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i worked in a store where employees would steal and i ended up stealing a bit too even tho i was against it for a long time

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Just keep your nose clean and don’t participate in anything illegal. if the management starts noticing things missing and starts blaming and accusing you of stealing you might have to make a tough decision and either get the assistant manager to confess or turn her in. Don’t let someone else drag you into their illegal activities and don’t get involved in any dishonesty.

I wouldn’t want to be responsible for anyone losing their jobs. I was kind of in the same boat. I saw a co worker, whom I’m friendly with, taking a few janitor supplies. I just kept quiet about it. I don’t know if he still steals, this was 8 years ago, We’ve both been at our jobs 10 years. I suspect certain people of maybe taking few rags or maybe a roll of trash bags but I don’t pry.


Employee theft is supposedly much higher than shoplifting.


Well, where I work customers steal all the time. This is the first time I noticed someone who irks there doing that

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I remember I used to go to a gas station where there was this employee would just flagrantly give people free stuff. She gave me a pack of cigarettes without paying once. I didnt even ask. Was fully willing to pay. She just told me not to.

It’s like “Uh…ok.”

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It happens. I worked in a nightclub and the bar manager got caught stealing from the till. Then when I was volunteering in a shop one of the other volunteers got dismissed for stealing from the till.

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I think I felt more guilty taking a free pack than the employee did about routinely doing that stuff.

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When I was a kid I stole a candy bar from a shop.

I felt so guilty that the next I went in and bought two and put one back on the shelf


That shows excellent character @el_Jimbobbio

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i got a fountain drink at a gas station a couple months ago and the employee told me i could have it for free haha


Yeah @77nick77 is right, keep your nose clean.
I personally wouldn’t get involved

Let the management find out on their own

You don’t know what this person is capable of doing if you were to accuse them

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That’s my plan. She also didn’t count my drawer at the end of the night and assumed it was accurate. Plus she did other things last night. I’m making a log of everything that happens each time I work with her in case this all blows up. I’m afraid reporting her will only make problems for me.


Maybe ask her “is it ok if I steal too?” Jk


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