I was having uncontrollable coughing fits while I was taking my nap this afternoon and I woke with a sore throat and raspy voice. I think I need to cut back some. I smoke way too much when I’m bored, and I am bored most the time.
I’m guessing you have tried replacement things to help u cut down?
I have tried vaping but it just wasn’t the same.
Fair enough…,Bowens
Agree. I prefer the real deal too
Try vaping higher nicotine and nic salts or just switch to the gum
I found out that I have a cold…thats why I was coughing so much…this morning I was awakened by coughing and woke up with that tickle you get in your throat and congestion. I can’t lay down now without having a coughing fit so it is making it difficult to sleep.
I found when switching to vape that the best flavor is menthol. Gives me a feel like I’m smoking a menthol cigarette.
I hope you can quit all together @bowen I used to smoke and thought it was impossible for me but I’ve been smoke free for like 1.5 years and haven’t looked back
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