I think it's the green tea

I forgot to get kitty litter when we went to the store yesterday, which is a problem. But I still feel good. As a matter of fact, I feel great. I think it is the green tea.


I sometimes drink matcha tea which perks me up.

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I love Matcha tea…

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Isn’t that what the Hulk drinks? :smiley:

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We are always trying to find reasons for everything.

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I drink a ton of green tea (and white/black tea too). The black tea I drink is actually Twinnings decaffeinated Earl Grey which is black tea with the citrus fruit bergamot in it, I drink that at night because it has very very little caffeine. I add lemon juice to my white tea. I think these teas mixed with citrus is freaking amazing. All 3 of these teas come from the same plant, just harvested at different times and processed differently.

They have caffeine in them which normally perks you up, but they also contain a lot of l-theanine (an amino acid) that counters the effects of caffeine. I find it leaves me in a relaxed, but alert state.

My favourite is Tim Hortons Green Tea, it’s got a hint of lemon in it, I drink several cups a day…

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I had to give up green tea when I discovered it gave me insomnia. Even just one cup was enough to keep me awake at night, even if I drank it before 12pm.

Now I switched to Rooibos(Red tea). It’s caffeine free and can possibly help against insomnia. But I miss having something to wake me up in the morning. Can’t drink coffee either because of stomach ulcer. I have some guarana tablets, I might try that. Just have to check how acidic it is.

They do heal if you do the antibiotic treatment to get rid of the h.pylori for a couple of weeks.

I had a stomach ulcer and had the gastroctopy to prove it. It is horrible swallowing that camera, but they gave me valium for it.

The sooner you get it done the sooner you don’t have to live your life around it.

Perhaps you could get that swab and see if you have h.pylori at all. It is the tell tale symptom to see if it is possible you have a stomach ulcer at all. H.pylori causes a stomach ulcer.

Do you get woken up with stomach pain? Do you burp to relieve pain?

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It has gotten a lot better since it was at it’s worst. I get small spells of pain sometimes, usually after a meal but it doesen’t hurt very much luckily.

I learned I react to certain things, like acidity. Particulary Coffee, soft drinks and stuff like that. Alcohol is also a problem. I guess it promotes inflammation under the circumstances.

I have a feeling it might pass with time if I’m careful not to aggrevate it. But if there are still problems in a few months from now, or it gets worse, I will get it checked out. But doc was reluctant to give me antibiotics in these antibiotic resistant times. I guess they only want to give it if it’s absolutely necessary.

It might also be the longterm use of ap’s that has caused this ulcer and made me prone to not tolerate acidity. It all started when I began drinking coffee regulary after not touching it for years, so the underlying condition has probably been there a long time.

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I love green tea but unfortunately I’m allergic to tea.


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If you are going to leave it then keep a look out for black stools. Blood turns black in your stools and could mean you are bleeding internally which is very dangerous if you have a stomach ulcer.

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