I think im healthy

My BMI is normal. Was a bit overweight.
i eat healthy, dinner and yoghurt or bread or fruit. I drink coffee. Milk. Sometimes coke.
I smoke One pack a day. I could buy some gumms. I never been addicted to Other drugs or alcohol.
I walk Everyday instead of driving. At least 15 minutes.

How is your lifestyle ?


I smoke too much and am overweight with diabetes. But my blood sugar level is under control so I guess I’m not in too bad of shape. Could be worse.

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That’s good @Yellowdiamond!
I’ve never been addicted to drugs or alcohol either.

My lifestyle is pretty healthy but I don’t exercise enough.

I just don’t have the energy or motivation.

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Nowhere to go but up!

(Important to see the positive side of things.)



Have you tried nicotine gumms or similar?
Good you dont have diabetes. Does the overweight bother you?

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I tried both nicotine gum and patches many years ago.

Yes, I would like to lose a few pounds for the sake of my health, plus with the potential reverse diabetes it is desirable. I don’t really mind it as far as looking good goes though.

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I think exercise is for people with drive and good at it.

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Thats good. What do you eat ?

How Did that Go ?
Have you tried cutting Down on sugar?

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Mostly food cooked from scratch. Very little processed food. I even make my own pasta. Tonight’s supper was steamed potatoes, steamed carrots, and a grilled chicken breast with a cup of cherry tomatoes tossed in balsamic. Dessert was watermelon cubes.

I am dedicededly not healthy, but trying to put in a good effort.


The patches and gums worked for awhile but once I tried to go off them or reduce their dosage I started smoking again.

Yes, I have significantly cut down on sugar intake. Especially from soda pop, which I rarely drink anymore.

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Lot of effort on your food then and dessert do you always have that?

What do you eat?

What do you like to eat ?

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I eat quite a variety of foods. I try not to have the same thing very often. I do kind of have a weakness for sweets though, even though I’m not supposed to have them very often.

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I was eating a little unhealthy but now I’m back on track.
I eat lower carb foods like beans, egg wraps, cheese, broccoli, cauliflower, hummus, blueberries etc…

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I eat gluten free due to celiac, I drink mostly water unless I go out to eat then I have sweet tea or sprite, I try and brush the teeth I have left daily, I try to avoid sweets as best I can I try and do a bit of just dance on my switch daily, I take my meds as prescribed, my BMI is a little high but I’m trying to lose weight, all in all I think I’m relatively healthy or I try to be

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My lifestyle isn’t the best right now. I want to eat more healthily, but I have trouble coming up with healthy dinner/meal ideas. I’m thinking of trying some pre-planned meal kit thingies, but I’m not sure if I can afford it.

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i eat fish, sometimes meat. I dont eat much vegetarian because i dont know much about it.

I find it hard to follow receipebooks.