Actually I’m a social freak that doesn’t fit in.
You always seem to be right as rain in my book. I just think you have something like a fact based personality. Nothing wrong with that at all. You’re a deep thinker. You were probably a builder or an architect in a former life I’m guessing.
I’d like to have a pint with you some day!
well you’ve discussed the issue before…
I’m definitely in touch with my feminine side… doesn’t mean I fancy a sex change or getting penetrated.
You fit in fine with us sir. You are well respected here. I’m sorry that the physical realm hasn’t treated you so well.
It would have to be a cinzano/bacardi/vodka on my part beer does funny things to me( a little makes me nauseous/tipsy).
I like a cold beer now and then…just not before a meal…
I’m Joe Sixpack. My whole life I’ve never touched the ‘hard stuff’, but I will order the occasional rum and coke if I’m out for a meal with my wife. Once or twice a year. It doesn’t bloat me up before I’m about to eat. Wine just makes me tired. Rarely touch that either. And there’s something in Red wine that just gives me a killer headache for some reason.
Red wine makes me feel heady but not so much white wine.
Beer as well these days… The good ole rolling rock… cheap but with decent flavor… the occasional 6$ doesn’t set me back to far and that’s my main concern these days…
Last time I had any beer was Christmas 84/5. I was staying in a house of multiple occupation and was persuaded to go out for a drink with the landlord and another tenant. They bought me a pint. I could feel myself becoming more and more nauseous as the pint went down and increasingly tipsy.
I got home and staggered into our room. It felt as though the room was spinning . I collapsed on the bed and puked up then fell asleep.
Give me a bacardi/cinzano/vodka any day over a beer.
Nothing wrong with being gender fluid. My last partner before my fiancé was gender fluid. She used to prefer to be called by gender neutral pronouns, such as they. When I met her, she preferred being referred to as female, so that’s how I think of her in my head now. She expressed very androgynously still. It was a little confusing to get used to, but really cool too.
Nothing wrong with how you feel - Got to keep it Real.
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