I think I was sz even as a kid

Because I remember thought broadcasting.


I had strange thoughts all my life. So the seeds were there for sure.


I used to see ghosts and other weird stuff I remember happening to me.

Think I had just an overactive mind

My doctors treated me for hyperactivity as a child, and stopped me drinking soda, chocolate and loads of other stuff with chemical E numbers in it, as I went off the wall

Wonder if any of that is connected to current state of affairs


I was the same way as a kid @Joker
Hyperactive and communicating with ghosts and the spirit world.

I was also very moody.

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I think I became very much more susceptible to it, and vulnerable to it, beginning around my first drink. (Age 16).


I think I had mood problems as well.

They kicked me out of 1 middle school and 2 high schools

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interesting discovery

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I had weird and inappropriate thoughts in the background since I was young but they surfaced when I was diagnosed. Now they 99% disappeared on meds.

Terrible anxiety age 11 feeling nervous in classrooms and on bus very withdrawn age 13 upwards

I also suffered from God awful panic attacks and anxiety throughout my childhood and younger adult years.
I developed agoraphobia during my 20s

I was an odd child. Had a few signs. Even my family would agree. When I got the proper diagnosis everyone including me had a sigh of relief. It was like my entire life till that point finally made sense.

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Coincidentally, I was diagnosed with depression at age 12, but I also had my first hallucination of a ghost and my first manic episode at age 12! But I didn’t mention the ghost or the “hyperness”, so I was only diagnosed with depression.

If only they knew back then that I had schizoaffective bipolar type. :joy:

Everything is clearer when you’re looking back.

I was definitely not a normal child, but that might have been due to the unrecognised, hence undiagnosed,ASD rather than mental illness.

The teenage years really ramped up the difference between the average teenager and myself. That’s when the overt signs of mental illness started to show.

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