I think I need to quit my job

The money is fantastic but I just feel like I’m drowning. Everyone there is so much smarter than me. I’m getting stuck on things that are probably really simple. The other new hire (joined one week before me) is so damned productive. I just want to get a job at Trader Joe’s or something else, not as intellectually demanding, where I can unplug after work rather than working constantly. Sigh. Has anyone here worked in retail? How is it?

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Retail is exhausting. You’re dealing with people all day, and you have to be pleasant whether or not you’re in the mood – and whether or not they are. Belligerent customers exist, and will wear you out. It’s not a stress free environment. And while you might find that the lack of intellectual stimulation at the beginning is a relief, you might get bored after awhile, with the repetition.


Any job gets tiring and boring. Unless you find something that deals with something you love. Nobody loves retail. I worked in a restaurant as a host and found that people a miserable most of the time. I got treated like ■■■■ there

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Where do you work, now?

Thanks everyone for the responses. I feel better about my job after getting some help from a coworker. I probably will stick with it, for some time at least.


I work at a tech startup.

That’s great! Best of luck to you

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Do you mind if I ask which one?

It’s fairly small so I’d prefer not to.

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Pick a lower demand job. There’s no shame in doing that. I did. I do sales account management at an old school company. It’s pretty easy. It still takes a good amount of organization but overall it isn’t draining at all for me. I come home and I can work on fun programming projects.

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Did you need to get a degree for that? How did you enter the field?

I didn’t need a degree. I have sales skills though. I used to own a small business. So I used that as my experience. I didn’t even have any real references as that’s all I did the last 10 years. They hired me cuz I sounded like I knew what I was doing.

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