I think I need a break from the forum

I love this place and it’s really useful, but I am struggling to post on threads at the moment.

I will still check in to see how all you guys are doing and make the odd comment, but I need to take a bit of a break from being as active as I have been on the forum for the last 2+ years.

I have upmost respect for @SzAdmin and the team who keep this site a safe support for lots of people.

Not sure how long I will go silent for, but I will be back once I have sorted my life out as there is a lot going on, and I need to focus on starting my landscaping business and freelance IT contracting so I don’t lose my home


Good luck on your business. You’ll be missed.


Take care of yourself! We’ll be here when you get back.


Look after yourself. Will be nice to hear from you and that your doing well. Keep strong.


Check in every now and again if you can. :slightly_smiling_face: take care of yourself.


Good luck with everything @Joker and come back whenever you’re ready. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey FadeToBlack, you will be missed. It has been some time since we exchanged words and they were, for the most part, a pleasantry. We’ll miss you, and when you feel like dropping by, please do. Even if you just lurk, you are a person before a sufferer. Do not forget, before we were labeled with any particular condition, we are all people. Don’t give up! Enjoy your vacation. :raised_hand::slightly_smiling_face::foot:

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Oolaloola! Did I ever tell you, you have a beautiful personality, physical appearance is there too! But uh… well wherever you want to play Nintendo Switch, you are my friend for sure!!


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