I sometimes get really ridiculously happy at things that shouldn’t make me happy. Like a few days ago, I was stressed beyond belief about quitting my job, and then I saw something funny and just lost it. For the next several hours everything was hilarious and the most fun in the world. I felt drunk, and all I wanted to do was party. I kind of scared myself, because I couldn’t stop. I told my fiancé that if I was like that for three days I would have to go in the hospital.
But he babysat me and let me go dance at the club. That was fun until like an hour into dancing, when suddenly I felt really freaked out and I ran out of the club without telling anyone. I just grabbed my fiancé and told him he had to drive me home.
There have been a few other times when I have felt intense drunk happiness for no apparent reason, or in response to stress. I haven’t noticed periods of depression, but sometimes after the happiness goes away I get super paranoid and panicked. I usually either check myself into the hospital or just run away from wherever I am and go hide until the feeling passes. I have noticed that if I have the presence of mind, I can calm down by either baking or cleaning. But sometimes I am too freaked out.
Does any of this sound like someone with a mood disorder? I know I should talk to my doctor about it, but I am a bit embarrassed. I barely got my family to accept that schizophrenia is a real disease that needs more than willpower. I know they would never accept that I have “just really strong emotions” that I just need to learn how to deal with. Growing up in that atmosphere has made me ashamed of having a possible mood element to my disorder.
Sounds like a euphoric mood. Like hypomania. I get that often. I’ve learned to harness it.
Two important things when in this mood…
If it involves money and spending. Think really hard about the decision , if it’s expensive then wait atleast a week then come back to it. Some stuff I will wait 3 weeks then come back to it and then realise it was totally stupid.
Channel your energy into something creative like music or drawing or something productive.
Happiness is happiness. There’s no reason to be ashamed of being happy. You shouldn’t have to jump for joy, but if that’s what you want to do - it should just always be joyous.
Don’t let the docs fool you into thinking your happiness is another medical “sin”. I’d limit mood disorders to intense angers or sadness. Happiness should never be shunned.
I agree. As long as we can handle it . I don’t see the harm in euphoric moods.
Heck most people have to take drugs to feel that . I’ve tried cocaine before cuz my friends like that stuff. I just laugh cuz I’ve been 1000 times higher from mania. Drugs are lame.
I love the happy feeling. The only problem is that is inevitably leads to a feeling of extreme panic. So it is fun while it lasts, but the come down is really harsh.
I’m sza and have mixed episodes. Since my dx I haven’t been really manic for a long period of time, it’s been mostly depression, and I’m kind of waiting to see when the mania comes.
Anyway, what would generaly help me was long walks and enjoying stuff. I was so happy to be alive that everything was beautiful and enjoyable. To not have harsh come downs my advice is, when you notice that you’re manic just realize what it is and try and enjoy it to a minimum. Be glad but not too happy if you can. So the come down is not so aggressive. I hope I’m expressing myself right. Hope this helps
I had another episode of crazy happiness today. It was bad because I had to drive an hour and a half and I could barely concentrate. I just got on the highway and set my cruise control. Once I had to get off the highway, it was nearly impossible to remember what turn came next. But I made it eventually. After that I made my fiancé babysit me for the night.
I am going to try to cut out alcohol and caffeiene from my diet, and see if that helps. I do not like having two in a row after years of nothing. I am not open to changing my meds, so does anyone else have coping techniques for mania?
I tried this tonight. Instead of embracing the adventure I tried to keep making responsible decisions. I went to a party so I could be near people, but I didn’t drink, and I didn’t try to convince everyone to go out to the club so we could go dancing. We just sat around and talked for a few hours. Eventually I started feeling more calm. I think your advice helped tonight.