I think its hardto achieve something
I dont know even my goals
Be still. Just be.
Start exploring different hobbies and careers. Get to know yourself. You can still achieve things, even if it requires assistance. Don’t give up!
Nothing is more important then being alive
Nothing worthwhile is achieved easily or quickly. Expect to spend at least ten years working hard at something if you’re going to develop mastery.
But how do you choose what to learn how to be consistent and enjoy your work
One day i want to do this other day that
You have to find a purpose
What’s the thing that you keep coming back to most?
I won’t achieve anything either. But maybe it’s 50-50 or 40-60 schizophrenia and fear.
You never know though. 10 years or the future…things may be wildly different or change. We don’t know. We cannot predict the future. It could be a surprise!
@77nick77 i liked nick’s post one day, where he said he had a goal of making goals. that’s a start.
i think a lot of people also find purpose in helping other people out. maybe volunteer or find other ways.
art and video games
The fact that you need to achieve anything is societal training. I’m learning to break free from societal traing/expectations/ slavery. It’s very difficult to go against everything you’ve ever been taught. It is very doable however. Just existing is enough. What if I told you your purpose is to just be/exist? The interactions you have with people everyday is enough purpose. Just be kind or brighten somebody’s day it has a butterfly effect. That is our purpose and one heck of an achievement.
İ also have struggle to achieve something which i m continuesly working in sector without any problem or warning or fired since 7 years. i m successfully work like you.but i m really struggle to study proffessional.i really want to be proffessional in one field.i m always buying books and semi-read and change my mindset then throw in a library(i have 15 big book waiting to be finished).its really hard to study.i mean i m reading lot but disorganised things.i can not focus in one specific field.i think this is our age’s phenomenon.
Don’t be still… goals don’t necessarily have to be job oriented or any material kind.
Try to look to something that has value to you. Like friend ship, family or warmth or empathy.
Goals once achieved, will end at some point.
Sounds nice in theory, hard in reality. You’d have no groceries to eat, no working plumbing to carry away your waste, and you’d be drowning in garbage if some people weren’t always rolling up their sleeves to work.
Well, art is something that you will increase your mastery in the longer you do it. It’s just a gradual process and frustrating when you’re looking for results overnight. I’m not a gamer, but I imagine it’s the same process? Not sure how one makes money at it other than streaming.
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