I think I have pneumonia. Hospital or doctor?

I’m having trouble breathing.

I stopped smoking weed and vaping.

Yesterday I thought I was turning a corner with my symptoms not getting worse,

But today is bad and it’s only 6am.

I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon,

Would you wait for it or go to the hospital?

I know I’m dehydrated and may need chest xrays.


What would you do?

I would at least go to an urgent care.
I wish you well @Charles_Foster

Edit: I didn’t see that you have a doctors appointment later today.

You could always call your doctor and see what they say. If you need IV fluids and an X ray, would that be something that could be done in their office? I know different doctors have different setups.

My PCP’s office is like a trip to the 70s.

They have zero equipment.

They’ll for sure send me out for xrays and such.

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If you have a pulse oximeter in the house, that could also give you a hint. I have trouble breathing when I am anxious, and being too stuffed up to breathe makes me anxious, so I check my blood oxygen to give me an idea of whether my issue is an emergency. 96% or above is normal for most people. If you are lower than that, that is bad.

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I don’t have a pulse ox.

I’m concerned about the breathing, but more concerned about how heavy my chest feels.

My body is so fatigued it’s difficult to get up and I’m dizzy.

Also really foggy headed.

I’d say borderline confusion.

I keep thinking it’s night and I need to go to bed.

It’s weird.

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Call someone to take you early to your appointment your doctor then can direct you to urgent care if nessecary and will have more insight then us. Tell them that you need to see the doctor immediately to advise if you should go to urgent care.

If you get sent to urgent care your doctor can try to shuffle his schedule using your slot.

Don’t feel like a burden.

Thank you for the advice, but I really want to avoid urgent care.

I’ve been once and they were less than helpful.

I will call my doctor’s office when they open and see if I can get in earlier.


Good idea @Charles_Foster
Call your doctor and see if they can see you earlier.


how did it go???

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Hospital. It may be more serious than it is presenting and they should have a look.


I agree 100%. Never mess with breathing stuff.

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Thank you everyone for all the concern.

I went to my old PCP and he took good care of me.

I’m on antibiotics and cough syrup.

Should feel a little better soon.

Also got an albuterol inhaler.

Supposed to go back if it gets worse.


I’m glad you took care of it quickly @Charles_Foster

Feel better soon!

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