i hade vacation i was studying non stop, i came back to work, i just bacame too tired afterwork to study, learn computer stuff. and it became just too boring, i will start drawing again, its more fun. i mean my goal was to learn IT to get better job. but i cannot, i am too tired after work to study
but i can do sketches after work . maybe i can complete 30 days sketch challenge, and maybe i improve in art
Have you thought of looking into an appreniceship? @anon48059102
If you like drawing, you can try to be a game artist
But every job surely has something you hate
My dude! You can take advantage of drawing and technology! I’m going for my bachelors in graphic design, its super fun. I’ve been a sponge soaking up knowledge on youtube while I wait for the next semester to start.
If you have enrolled in a course spend just 35 - 45 mins daily if you could.
I have done it before, because daily is a very effective strategy.
Especially before you sleep.
And don’t forget to note down, an interesting topic to pick for the next day.
All will go well,
Slow and steady wins.
Graphic design is also a good.
It takes a lot of effort to get into I.T. and even more to stay in it. Budget years for learning enough to be being proficient at an entry level.
I just saw a programming job posting advertising 400k to 600k a year. But they wanted 14 to 16 hours days 7 days a week. I can’t find it again.
Maybe just learn for fun? See what comes of it
If I learn disorganized without study plan. Random things. I will not learn to work on a projects
Maybe pick your own project to work on. You can create your own structure.
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