December 3, 2020, 10:05pm
This forum is full of failed, contemptible people.
I, by contrast , am highly successfuland essentially a big shot.
I will thus quit the forum and affiliate myself with smart,physically fit, rich and influential people.
Good bye.
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Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out
December 3, 2020, 10:09pm
Lol Some here are Drs and med students with schizophrenia haha
December 3, 2020, 10:16pm
hey mang you failed too. We all fail. its what you do when you fail that matters. Keep going. If the forum doesnt help you then of course move on.
Yeah, well at least I don’t attribute my “success” to wearing hats lined with aluminum foil, so…
It must really be painful for you to be forced to hang out with people who are inferior to you. I can only assume someone is holding you hostage and forcing you to post here.
Well why don’t you tell us how you really feel. Don’t hold back or anything.
Good luck with everything @Chess24 .
Successful my ass. Playing chess and using a rowing machine really puts you on top.
But okay. Live the dream.
I meant to post this.
Good luck with everything then @Chess24
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December 3, 2020, 10:34pm
■■■■you too buddy boy…
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Didn’t you make a post about living with your parents and not working… but you want to move to another country to live because it is cheaper?
But here you’re saying you’re highly successful and a big shot…
I need my personal space where I can place exercise machines and train.
My parents can’t or won’t purchase specialized real estate for me for these purposes,
and I don’t have income of my own.
And fitness is my main priority in life.
Thus I want to move to Bulgaria,on my own, where real estate is much more affordable than in Israel,
and pursue my dreams there.
Don’t put others down, while trying to make yourself feel better…
I’m not going to say much more than the members deserve better than this treatment and leave this viewable as a example of how to get suspended.
If you want to quit, do it. Don’t insult the members. Just follow directions on how to go and GO.
This is how to quit when you just can’t log out and stay that way.
Please pass this message on to anyone who is interested:
Occasionally we get an email from people who want to delete / anonymize their account here and leave the site.
That is fine, we have no problem with that - but the issue is that a very large percent of people change their minds after a while and cancel that request or just join again later. Because of this - and because of our desire for people to continue to get the support of friends and contacts here, we ask that you make two separate requests at least two weeks apart (sort of a “cooling off” period). If you think about it and two or more weeks after your first request you really want to fully anonymize your account - then send me a second email stating why you want to leave (we always want to make this site better, so we appreciate the feedback on how we can improve the site) - and tell me its your second request.
I will then anonymize your account - which deletes all the email addresses associated with the account and changes the user name to something like anon98er9783 (some random number after it).
The software is not setup to delete all your past posts, and because there are many good tips and suggestions that people provide in posts and conversations here we want keep a conversation so that it is understandable by people who read these posts months after they are made. If you have revealed personal information in posts, we can delete a small number of posts or edit out any personal information (city, etc. you might be from, if you care about that).
I hope this makes the process clear.
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