I think amuilspride is making me gay

and im not gay.i reckon its the prolacting.amulspride is known for increasing prolacting and thats whats changing the hormones.

It can make you grow breasts but not make you gay.


No medication makes you gay. If you are feeling attracted to your own sex, that’s because you have those tendencies on your own.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


I kind of know what you mean @oulabi but I don’t know if its genuinely true.
I definitely felt like my hormones were screwing with me at times, and I was more effeminate than normal. But I didn’t feel more attracted to men (which is what you are describing even if its not what you meant).

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Meds can’t make you gay.

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Invega is turning me into a lesbian

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So @oulabi can you describe what you mean by “making me gay”
What kind of things have occurred ?

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im okay just some thoughts.god saves me from these thoughts anyway.i dont know.oh yeah and a im not aginst gay people,just my believe.


Yeah I don’t think medication can make you genuinely gay. But it in my case it did eliminate, among others, homosexually themed intrusive thoughts. Perhaps you are struggling with those residual psychotic symptoms.

AP made me more stereotypically feminine. I wouldnt dare say it does or doesnt change sexual orientation. But many people, even those not completely homosexual, have such thoughts at times without AP (and dont speak about it in conservative circles). Dont act on anything that you dont feel okay about, but dont get scared of or obsessed over some fleeting thoughts either.

(And wtf…I tried to Google to see for you if there were any studies in animals to see if prolactin caused homosexual behaviour. Google apparently saw my innocent search term as an interest in sex WITH animals. That was a part of the internet i did not want to know about. Sorry, not trying that again. :worried:)


Oh…noooo…lol. That is awful.


Meds can’t make you change your sexual orientation.

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Haha…yeah, that was a weird surprise i did not expect. :slight_smile:

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My meds are making me asexual

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TW mentions of Christianity

I struggled for a long time with being religious and also, in my heart, knowing I was queer. I tried for a long time to lie to myself about my thoughts and feelings. I eventually did some studying of the actual bible, and discovered homosexuality is not actually written as a sin anywhere in the bible. The part in Levitacus that is routinely translated as homosexuality, actually translates from the original Hebrew very poorly, but possibly into “pedophilia.” The literal translation was likely condemning grown, adult men who were having sex with little boys. Another possible translation is that it prohibits men who are ALREADY MARRIED to women from engaging in sexual activity with other men or women. It had nothing against grown adult men or women committing themselves to each other. In addition to that, the Pope (in the Catholic religion he is seen as the direct messenger for God) recently made a public statement supporting homosexuality, because it creates more parents for needy children around the world. If you have no desire to act on homosexual thoughts, or choose not to for personal reasons, that is your own choice. But nothing in the genuine Christian faith prohibits you from doing so.

I don’t discuss faith much, because it is against the rules, but I think it is important for you to know this.


You may be experiencing this. I’m not saying definitely but just giving you some info. I’ve heard of it before


Why is there another post about this? You are all sorts of wrong. Meds don’t make you gay. They can mess with your hormones, but that’s completely different from changing your identity.

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That is interesting, since AP can cause or exacerbate OCD.

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yes yeah thats it.thats exactly what im experiencing.yeah its some kind of ocd.i just obessive about things ,thoughts,ideas,it defently stems from anxiety and too much energy.like one moment im thinking about mortal kombat and the next moment im reading the bible.lol,im definitely mentally ill.im going back to 200mg amuilspride.god i hate my life.

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Ä° have more active sexual life with aps.and i m not gay at all.it make you weird but not gay i think.

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