I still don't know why my post was shut down

The only explanation I got from one of the mods, apparently speaking on behalf of the whole moderating team, is that I’m a horrible person who whines and makes their lives miserable and who put up with me god knows why. No indication of why it was actually closed. Also accused of not engaging in debate (irony of ironies) when what they really object to is to an ‘excessive’ commitment to debate. I wanted to debate the peculiar status of weed on this forum, but was finally prevented from doing so. That’s why my previous query was also closed but not before the usually even-tempered and empathetic ninja lashed out with some spiteful and hateful statements.

I’m shocked, really. I knew the weed debate would be a complicated one on this forum but never expected this level of violence.

I don’t see either the need for character assassination. Actually on this point there is something I want to share with you @Ninjastar. Long, long ago you accused me (and I’ve long forgiven it because I’m convinced you’re a good person) of looking up words to make myself look better, something like that. What I never told you is that often I find myself interrupting the natural flow of my speech and purposely take words some might find ‘posh’ out so I’m not accused of using posh words ‘on purpose’. In short, in order to meet societal expectations I will often dumb down on purpose so I’m not unjustly accused of dumbing up on purpose. You’ll never know how triggering your comment was, a small piece of injustice considered on its own, but reflective of a great deal of trauma, mistreatment and repression in my life.

The lesson? We don’t know each other that well, not enough to make certain statements.

Forgive and be forgiven.

Oh for crying out loud.

Stop. Just stop.

You know what breaks the rules and continue trying to bring up the conversations.

Don’t open up another “why was my thread closed” topic.