@LilyoftheValley please let us know how you are feeling today…I care.
I hope it makes you feel better @LilyoftheValley. Let us know how it’s going.
@ifeelblessed @rogueone @anon58091841
@Wave @Jonathan2 @jukebox @HollyHobby
Jukebox- I start it later this morning. I will let you know later in the day how I feel
Hope you feel better you’re a real soldier
Thanks @POET !
Thanks @jukebox . So far I just have a bad headache.
I hope your treatment goes well @LilyoftheValley.
Thanks @SkinnyMe 15
What??? I have no idea what you’re talking about
Good luck @LilyoftheValley !
Thanks @iconoclast_01
How is it going for you so far chemo sounds scary I like to check up on people
You doing okay? How has it been so far?
The only side effect so far is an all day long bad headache.
In 2 weeks, I’m getting an ecg done to make sure it’s not affecting my heart.
If my heart looks good, my dr will double the dose of one of my 2 meds.
I really hope it all works out. Can’t wait to see you posting in good health
Thanks @POET 15
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