I shall attempt to make myself psychotic

I’m a middle-aged man intent on going south. This is what I plan to do. Adopt an outrageous belief (the Moon is hollow owing to its being an alien starship) and feed a nefarious loop by means of positive reinforcement. Dopamine will do the rest. I hypothesise that, in keeping with past experiences, within a week I shall be psychotic yet functional. Wish me luck.

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To what end? What’s the point?

a more authentic life, away from Man.

First off, why? Second off, pick something better than the moon being a starship.

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Authentic? And you’re going to get that by knowingly lying to yourself? That doesn’t even make sense.


I wish you could’ve been in my shoes from sept 2017 to sept 2018. Why would you want to make yourself psychotic. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Point taken, but I think of it as the proverbial mustard seed.

was there a mustard seed in the proverbs?

There is a higher purpose. The moon is just a Jungian signifier.

How will you keep yourself safe?

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The mustard seed parable itself has become “proverbial”. Usage dictates the function.

I won’t. It’s just an experiment. I feel I’m not further down enough the rabbit hole.

This is a terrible idea. Where are you living? Are you going to lose your housing?


What does Jungian signifier mean to you? I like Jung from the little I know. Like the collective subconscious for example.

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I’m waiting to be relocated to a shelter, In the meantime I’m living with my ex. All is well at home.

And if you’re actively psychotic, your ex is going to continue to let you stay with them?

Yes because I’m great at double book-keeping. QUietly psychotic in the inside, and more or less normal in the outside, including lying about my true beliefs.

I don’t know what quietly psychotic is. :thinking:

This thread is strangley interesting - yet it feels horrific, who in the merry hell wants to be Psychotic?


mildly psychotic as opposed to floridly psychotic?