I said to my psychiatrist about all my suffering and symptoms

And he replied “read a book about Buddhism”


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That’s just unprofessional.

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That’s not very good, pdoc and therapists arent supposed to try and convert you to a religion it’s just not right

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What was his tone when he said it? Did he recommend it, or did he say it with a bitter flavor to it? He might not have been very helpful, but I don’t think he was abusive.


There is no proof of causation that cannabis causes sz. There is proof of correlation in that a minority of people who take cannabis are more likely to smoke it and get sz as they would have got it anyway.

Trauma is the heaviest factor in triggering sz. People who are traumatised are more likely to use drugs to escape what is in their head.

The other heavily correlating factor is smoking tobacco which is heavily underplayed as a factor in causing mental illness.

Then there is the genetic factor. Relatives with sz increase the chance of getting sz.

Then they all interplay and intermingle.

It is hard to blame a sz who is often traumatised into using drugs as a method of self medication when there is scant evidence across the globe for it being the cause. (That study from Denmark is an anomaly and doesn’t represent the global trends.)

It is odd that you feel a moral superiority over people who have smoked cannabis under the false belief that cannabis causes sz when it is in the most part that all heavy users of recreational drugs are escaping the trauma in their lives.

Trauma comes first, then drug use, then mental illness. I contest your thinking that smoking cannabis comes first and then mental illness comes. You ignore the trauma and the reason why people do it which is simplistic even if cannabis does contribute to causing sz.


Years ago my psychiatrist told me to go and prey

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I wrote to him that i suffer,
and that Buddhism is irrelevant now.
“If you can’t help me, forget it”, i told him

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HeY @Om_Sadasiva TRy rTms… If its available… isnt a advance form of ETC … Its doesnt require any anesthesia… …Look In to it…

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Thank you, Niraj.
What is it?

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Google iT on Youtube @Om_Sadasiva …I like to do it too but i dont have any money…

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I see. Has it any side effects?

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nope … only few but not permanent … but its costly … 1000$ here in Nepal …for three weeks …each session lasts for 30 minutes to 40 minutes… Depends On country and its health services…

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I read that it treats mainly
depression, mood disorders,
and anxiety.

Rarely for sz

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I think it works for treatment resistant sz too …Google it …

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I found his response insensitive.
I’m hurt a bit


Ok, i called him. He sound good and supportive.
I will go tomorrow morning for the haldol shot

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Buddhism is actually quite helpful to me. They don’t believe in a permanent hell and say all suffering is illusion caused by desire. If you remove desire you won’t suffer.

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I know. I have studied buddhism.
I need meds, that’s what I’m saying.

Maybe he thinks your trolling. So he is trolling back.

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So if you remove your suffering, what is the problem?

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