Every ten years the U.S. conducts a census which determines how the federal government will allocate monies for many things (too many for me to list).
You are legally required to complete and mail the census to the federal government (no postage necessary if mailed within the U.S.). The census is mailed to a household, not an individual, and you are immune from prosecution regardless of your answers.
I actually got my 2nd census Thursday. I completed the first one online before the new year, but they sent a 2nd one. it has me confused and paranoid. the office is in Jeffersonville, Indiana a city im thinking of moving to.
They sent us a 40 page one, I’m not comfortable filling it out. We were chose as an in depth one, and want exact incomes from everyone in household regardless of age, etc. I didn’t mind the 2 page one in one in what 2008? I don’t remember, but it was 2 freaking pages, race, disabilities, school grade children, etc. This is just too much. I’m not gonna do it. They sent it back in October, we don’t answer our door or land line so they have no way but mail to contact us. And considering we’re getting mail still for people from the 10 years before we moved in in 2014, i’m not ok. The people before us are using this address to have their collections ■■■■ sent to, and PO even with Not at this address, return to sender, just puts it back in our box. So we toss it, I let them put it in our box up to 4 times with the directions of NTA and RTS. Our mailbox says Last Name family only in this household. We don’t have a set mailman, there’s 2 houses on our block, we get delivered once somebody else finishes their route and goes back to PO and grabs our ■■■■.
We get a census over here in Australia. I think they have officially declined to accept all the people who registered religion as other…Jedi. Funny stuff. People can be funny sometimes.