I really feel the need to

Touch someone and be close to them physically.
I used to be close with my brother as he was little but I feel its inappropriate now since he has gotten older.
I really like touching.
Don’t mean to sound like a pervert, cos I’m not.


You’ll find the right person.

Any dogs you could mind?

I cuddle my boyfriends dogs a lot…

I’m still considering getting one yep but don’t know if it’s worth the responsibility.

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Sounds perfectly normal to me. Touch is therapeutic, physically and mentally. That’s how a baby grows up normal, by getting regularly held, snuggled and hugged by it’s parents. There’s kids in orphanages in certain areas or countries in the world who grow up with barely getting touched. It stunts their physical and mental growth forever.

Your “problem” is why some psychiatric hospitals will sometimes bring in animals so the patients can pet and play with them. Just touching a warm body and petting a dog or a cat relieves stress and has other benefits. You would probably want to stay in your room though the day they bring in the starved, crazed pit bull with rabies to play “fetch” with.

When I first started going to AA I was a little taken aback when members tried to hug me. Because hugging is big in AA, CA and NA. At first I wanted no part of it unless it was a female. I didn’t want to hug a guy. But eventually I started to come around and I got used to it.

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Yes we have two cats they are seriously useful lol but not as much as humans though but I dont take them for granted our cats.


I might try an overeat anonymous group. Maybe. Just to meet more like minded people in terms of eating stuff. Thanks nick77


Thank you @everhopeful

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You’re welcome.


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