My life is f@cked I’m also going to college now and I’m doing quite well but I’m scared fo give it all up because of this poxy illness I really hate my life and wish I was f@cking dead. What hope do I have I’m only living now for everyone else. Because my parents are selfish and only care for themselves. I dont know what to do I have no hope I gave up meds 2-3 months ago and I’m starting to feel like sh*t again I really hate my life its wrecked. I’m scared I wont be able to work properly or at all once I’m put on meds because abilify the only med that was okay wasnt okay and dont know what I want to starting to lose sleep again.
I hope you feel better @anon15119022.
We all obviously I’m not feeling that great other wise I wouldnt be posting this?
Can you work part time ?
What is wrong with abilify?
Its easy to feel miserable
But hey you go on college
That was rude. @Jake was just wishing you well.
You should try getting stable on meds first then work or school
Sorry I just got the wrong impression to be honest
Push through it if you can. Not finishing University is the biggest regret of my life. Unfortunately I had to drop out and the insane amount of medication they put me on knocked me on my ass and I couldn’t finish my studies.
Sorry to detail the thread -
@Headspark - do you think there’s any chance, now that you’re more stable, that finishing is something you could or would like to do?
sorry to hear you feeling bad @anon15119022
i hope you manage to find a way to feel better.
Life can be hard but it can get better. I felt really down for the longest time till i thought it would never change again but eventually i managed to feel a bit better even though life still is hard.
I’ve thought about it and haven’t completely ruled it out, I have a year and a bit left to get my bachelors degree, I was studying Biology because I was interested in Genetics. By the time I finished I would be 45, seems a bit late to start a career in that field. Plus a lot of what I learned 20 years ago is probably out of date, I would be building on my prior knowledge that may not be applicable to modern course work.
My life got totally derailed because this stupid illness. I was suppose to have a profession career and be married with children at this point, now I’m a total failure, But I’ve come to terms with it, and generally speaking I am happy with my life.
Yeah, I hear ya. I was supposed to be a lot of things by now, myself. It’s frustrating and painful to me. It’s cool that you’ve made peace with it.
I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one. I don’t think it’s ever too late to start a career in any field. I first went to law school at 33, which, yes, is significantly younger, but there were people there older than me.
A lot of women do a mid life career change, after they spend the first parts of their lives taking care of family.
It’s definitely doable if you ever change your mind.
Yeah, you’re right. I know, I’ve heard about 70-80 year olds that went back to school to get their degree. Maybe one day.
Plus, genetics is super cool!!!
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