I prefer to separate an individual from their art

I loved John Lennon’s music but he was an ogre. I am in awe of George Carlin’s work but he apparently was a very poor father.

These are only two examples but in general I prefer to separate the artist from their art


Picasso neglected a puppy he had to the extent that the poor dog was paralysed due to malnutrition. Yet he made great art. If I met him knowing he neglected that puppy I would probably hate him.

John lennons real persona was a wife beater and a womaniser. But yeah it was the 60’s so maybe things were different then.

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Yeah by most accounts he was an awful person

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i like stick figures

I agree.

Yeah, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. You have to separate the good from the bad. Realise that people aren’t perfect and often quite flawed but still respect the good in them.

No-one is perfect.

I find it hard to enjoy Hitler’s paintings without thinking of Poland.

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IMHO, they let us know that Hitler was a human being like the rest of us, and to remain vigilant so those atrocities don’t happen again.

I would have knocked him in the head with a frying pan!


Lol yeah. He was clever , he played the “peace and love” schtick with his music - but in reality he was quite the arsehole.

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Yeah. I figure that’s what made the money back then cos people were against the Vietnam war. I think in that time it was about peace, love and exploring (drugs).

Well it’s 2 am here Seth. Goodnight :sleeping:

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Oh is it. Its 7.30 am here. I will bid you goodnight then. Night Night Sweetie xxxx

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A lot of great writers were real dicks when it came to their interpersonal life. Dostoyevsky was a compulsive gambler, and he often shouted at people for little reason. He chased other women in front of his wife. Everything I’ve read about him said he was a total ass, and yet he wrote some of the greatest novels ever written. F. Scott Fitzgerald was an alcoholic, and he often publicly insulted people. He was very unlikable. He died young due to his excessive drinking. Henry James was a nice guy who lived a long life and wrote a lot of great literature. I think it was H.E. Mencken who said Henry was the nicest woman he’d ever met.

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I see your perspective. A lot of people hate Woody Allen but he’s still made some amazing films like Manhattan and Annie Hall.

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