I peeps how do u see ur day going today?

I have group therapy.

That should be nice.

And then I don’t know.


Well, it’s still Monday night but tomorrow is my day off and I go in for a dental consultation in the morning and I have a meeting with a counselor later in the afternoon. Probably do a little cleaning in-between in the apartment.


I have therapy scheduled in ten hours from now. I will probably cancel it because my dad is complaining his left side of his body is numb or something. He was rushing to go to the toilet last night and fell. Probably going to the emergency when he gets up in 8 hours.


Hello my late nights buds, @Zoe and @77nick77 . :wave:

@Dude1 I’m sorry your father had a fall. I hope he’s okay. :heart:

I’m hoping my day goes pretty stress free and uneventful. I get my check here in a little while so that’s a positive. Everyone is usually in a good mood on payday haha. :wink:





I predict my future is uncertain :grin:

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Very bold words u speak

You didn’t know…Im brave lol

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I’ve had a decent day. I walked, got some packages in the mail, did laundry, went to pdoc appointment, and a friend and me cleaned my apartment. I gave him $25. He’s the one that helps me clean and mow my dads office. It’s 7:23pm and I have nothing else I’m gonna do.

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I walked 4 miles after i awoke this morning, then took my dog to the dog park and went to the clubhouse. I got some groceries. Then i found out my alternator is going out and i will drop off the car at the shop tomorrow morning. I hope it’s not too expensive to fix…

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Got back from the ER and they did CAT scans and x-rays and blood labs and urine tests. My dad checked out OK but maybe has a urinary track infection. So I was in the ER from about 3 PM to 8:30 PM.

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