I participated in

My support group even though I didn’t feel like doing it. The topic ended up being about ptsd and feeling safe. It was a good session. I’m glad I did it


It’s good that you went and it turned out good.


Thanks @Leaf 1515

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Glad you went and participated @LilyoftheValley

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Thanks @Wave 1515

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Sounds like it’s helpful.

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It is helpful @everhopeful :slight_smile:

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Im very glad you went. Saw your thread earlier. Its often the case we feel uneasy about going but once there things are fine.

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Yeah, that’s true @StarCrazy

Incomplete titles makes me think about bad stuff. Idk if its ocd, feels like intrusive thoughts not sz. At least I have some control and they are in the background.

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Sorry for triggering you @Aziz

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Its not your fault, its my fault. It happens irl too not only here. I need to tell the Dr, maybe meds will help.

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Good luck @Aziz

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good job on going after all!
glad to hear it was good session.

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Thanks @lekkerhondje

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I’ve never done group therapy, but I’ve written about it some.

I always kinda wondered if it turns into a match to see who’s got it the worst.

depends upon the day, for me, so if I went on a pretty damn good day to group, I might get nothing out of it. you know?

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It’s not competitive so long as you have a good therapist leading the group. I’ve done group therapy lots of times

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