By smiling. It’s changing for the better imo. Is this psychological or is my face really changing cause I’m using my facial muscles more often?
Yes it is possible to develop facial muscles, which might change the impression of your face.
But what do you do facial exercises for?
Smiling exercises
I ■■■■■■■ hate smiling
Smiling, even fake ones, releases the happy hormones (endorphins, etc.) which can makes us feel happier.
I think smiling exercises is actually good for your mental health.
So my face is not actually changing?
Well, if the facial muscles are strengthened, yes it can change a bit.
Why, you wanna change your face or something?
Dunno, I’ve just liked my smile better after I’ve been doing it for a week. Unsure if this was psychological or new facial muscles is making my face look different
I guess it’s a little bit of both, affecting each other.
Maybe your facial complexion looks better after a while of smiling rather than facial muscles.
Muscles in the face like muscles in the gym the gym you do it often enough and long enough you’ll have good results
**A smile always makes you look better! **