I no longer seek or expect to convince anyone of the truth of my revelations on the evil nature of the universe

Who can tell whether I’m truly serious or not? The story, our story, begins on 24 May 2018. That’s when the demiurge, known by most gnostics as Yaldabaoth, and whom I controversially identify with the Christian devil, succeeds in trapping a fraction of our divine spark which he subsequently uses to create this simulation. ‘Matter’ is not just evil as believed by ancient gnostics, it’s also illusory. As I have stated elsewhere, the true nature of this universe is that of a ‘conversation’ taking place in the desert between the devil and I. You are but the false vision of a perfect creation, and I will not be fooled by it. Who or what wrote this?

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Did you know that voyager 1 is 14 billion miles from earth?


I know now, thanks a million.

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Voyager 1 could be a friend.

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I think the universe is constantly farting.

Speaking of vile human activities in the service of a higher good let me introduce -if you haven’t been introduced yet- to the aghori.

The Devil you believe in did not create the Universe.

Although I do believe this world to be some kind of simulation.

We are all alive btw.

I believe that I am one connsciousness and that everybody else could be a hive mind consciousness. Maybe another entity hijacked my universe and trapped me in human form?

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Yes I am a hive mind and bees store their honey here for the ladies.

Seems sad to think that way.

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Does your doctor regard your belief as delusional?

It is a bit depressing to be fair.

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Somehow, it seems to be important to have a boogieman in your life.

How did Sextus Empiricus end up in believing so many things? :slight_smile:


I guess I haven’t be able to reach a state of ataraxia yet.

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Yeah he does, but I don’t dwell on this belief, so I don’t know if it counts as a delusion.

Please search these forums for “Nishida” (no need to use the quotation marks)
for his take on Devils.

I think Pokemon (Pocket Monsters) is really profound.

Very good. And you are delusional by the way.


As I have mentioned on the forums before, Kitaro Nishida is the only philosopher that mentions a “devil”.

Kitaro Nishida says that we identify with a fabulation (a self representation) and to do this our “I,” our perspective, must be “devilized” (he says “Mephisto-ized”) I think so that it becomes invisible – so we don’t want to look at that which is identifying with the me. This is in his last essay which is alas not translated into English.

That was my psychotic experience too. It was above all, really scary and nasty, for reasons that only Led Zeppelin sing about (thanks to PansDisease for that reference). I find that only Glam rockers refer to the situation that I found pertained. Science is pretty silent.

Derrida, Freud, Rochat, and perhaps Vigotsky say that they don’t want to say what is going on. Rochat insinuates that the truth can give people schizophrenia as I have mentioned on these forums before.


Some believe, while the door begins to open, another race of being guides the understanding in a way that renders the experience incomplete and incompetent…and so it all becomes grey… the black and white becomes no longer. The only way to rebound is to seek and redefine your definition of reality that appropriates a social norm

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