I never knew how i learned english

all through my education youth ive always had a sleep problem. when i was in kindergaten i always slept in class through out the time but i have been doing the class work. i just never understood lecture but ive always done correctly my work.

until today i still have sleeping problems…i get sleepy through out the day, i need to take naps in the middle of the day. i just dont remember how i learned english or my other secondary launguage.

ive used to read more before i got schizophrnia…now i cant read a full sentence

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English is very hard for me. I do the best I can. Watching cartoons when a child was best. Canada has many cultures. Not many communites of mine here. Your English is very good.


I started learning from watching the DJ Cat show on sky one. They used to run one episode of teenage mutant ninja turtles each time.

I freshed my poor school english up a little bit with bbc radio and a dic

ive watched cartoons allot too
my english isnt a pro its basic
ive actually read the paper work but not the lecture

Plus Bob Ross

“Beat the devil of the brush”

“Here we go”

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