I need some assistance

Ok look I know you are trying to help but I can’t do drugs literally if someone walked up to me and gave me a pill bottle right now I would either

  1. Panic and flashback trying to get away from it probably hurting myself in the process
  2. Take the whole damn bottle right now cause I want to die

No in between. I can’t take meds cause of trauma end of story. And they are NOT the only thing that can help me stop that. Also I don’t have any I can’t take a pill I don’t have.

I have plenty of reasons to be scared of meds.


what is it you think anybody could do for you now? If you are so hell bent on dying I doubt anyone can stop you with you being so down…I am sorry I just lost someone to suicide and it upsets me.

I already went to a doctor they prescribed me some painkillers and told me to rest and basically not do any bending or stretching and blah bla bla cause they really can’t do anything for ribs. Like they aren’t bad enough for surgery or anything so I just have to wait for it to heal I guess.

I’m trying I’m just really not ok right now

I do like coming on this forum it makes me feel like less of a freak. Most of the people here are friendly. I’m not a huge fan of the med talk but I understand that people need them and such even though I can’t do them.

I’m just tired of feeling like a freak everywhere else though. I’m tired of my mom making me feel like a burden all the time. I’m tired of just staying at home all day waiting for the day to just end already. I’m tired of being woken up from night mares almost every night. I’m tired of therapy. I’m tired of everything. I’m tired of my ■■■■■■■ ribs hurting. I don’t know what to do. I just want to be happy but I can’t even do that right

Sorry for ranting I’m just so frustrated


Are you schizophrenic? If you are you need your meds…I’m really sad your ribs are hurting you. Sounds like you have support. I hope you get well soon.

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I don’t know man I’m just looking for any reasons I can I don’t know what could make me feel better. I wish I knew. god this sucks. I know you just lost someone. But the fact stands that meds will not help me right now. And there is a huge possibility that they will never help me. Im not just gonna get over my trauma and medicate myself.
Technically I feel like I shouldn’t be alive right now maybe that is delusional but oh well it’s how I feel. I’m just gonna draw something and try to ignore how awful feel.

We here at sz forum are waiting with you for this to be over, I’m sure it will clear up by tomorrow.


I’m schizoaffective I can’t do meds I don’t have any prescribed and even if i did I wouldn’t be able to take them seriously stop talking about them it’s making everything like 80times worse for me cause I’m trying not to panic about it and I’m trying not to remember things and I’m trying not to cry cause I know it’s going to hurt even worse and I just want to stop think ing about all the horrible ■■■■ that happened with them cause it’s just making them louder and I’m not going to go one them. I can’t do it i cant.
The only support I have is this site and one of my alters that’s trying to calm me the ■■■■ down now. Please just consider my feelings I can’t do the meds please


I’m not sure if there is a tomorrow. I don’t think I can do this.

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I’m sorry I’m trying I promise.


You know you must resist any violent impulses you have. You can’t harm yourself at any cost. That is a thought which should never change. Just repeat that thought to yourself, make sure you don’t have a plan to harm yourself either.

If the idea of being hospitalized triggers you “hospitalize” yourself. Remove objects or any means you have from harming yourself from your environment.

Don’t worry, you can get through this without harming yourself. Believe that.


I’m trying to. I’m sorry. I’m honestly in so much pain cause of my ribs now. I started to hyperventilate a little But the pain was unbelievable so I’m just not ok physically. I’m just trying to draw that’s what I’m trying to focus on more than anything.

I am terrified of hospitals but there’s not really much nearby I can hurt myself with… And I could move something that’s not good for me but I know that’s gonna hurt so I’m just going to leave it for now.

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Hey, @Noise I’m so sorry I was asleep when all this was happening. I know your situation is different than a lot of other situations, so I won’t push you to try meds if you’re not ready for them.

Some things I do to calm down are:

Put an ice pack on the back of your head. This will cool down your brain and reduce activity in your limbic system, where emotions happen.

Do a task with simple, clear steps. I like baking. I follow the recipe, and it’s easy enough that I don’t get frustrated, but it requires enough concentration that I don’t have room to think about other things. Cleaning also helps.

Engage your five senses. This will remind you what is real and what isn’t. Listen to soothing music. Smell something pleasant, like an essential oil. Suck on a hard candy. Look at pictures of things you enjoy. Feel something with an interesting texture, like a piece of Velcro or a stress ball.

Breathe in for four seconds, and out for eight. Slowing your breathing forces you to calm down. If you can’t manage that, breathe in for two and out for four, and slowly work your way up. See how long you can make your breaths.


@noise have you considered injections ?

Meds really are the best help you could get. Right now . Is there someone who could administer them to you and hold on to the rest so you won’t do anything bad with them?

Why are you so afraid of meds? Talking about it could help or hurt so do what’s best for you

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I can’t do them it’s a trigger for me too.

Oh sorry. Hang in there. Just get through the worst of it and things will get better. I hope you feel better soon. Maybe heat of ice on the ribs will help. I don’t know what works. Maybe look it up.

Take deep breaths if you can and when you can. Breathe the positive in and the negative out. The negative is just dust then

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I’m gonna just tell you some basics about why.

  1. My mom and dad used to force them on me it was normally very violent and very scary.
  2. I was a lab rat and I almost died cause I was put on drugs (not for sz) and the sideffects were severe enough for me to go in the hospital(part of my fear of injections comes from here as well)
  3. My therapist was abusive and basically told me I was nothing without meds.

There are other things but that’s all I’m willing to say about it right now. You can pm me if you want to know more but right now I’m too exhausted to go into detail.

Sorry if that seemed kind of standoffish I was just trying to get through it as fast as possible.

I am feeling a bit better this morning I got a little sleep and calmed down enough to give my ribs a break they still hurt but Its tolerable at the moment. Ice helps a bit I’ll put some on in a bit.

Deep breaths are a no right now cause of the ribs but I am trying to take normal even breaths! I think I will try to meditate. Thank you for your concern and trying to help.


I agree with @amethyst . You should draw out your emotions. I know writing how I feel trigger me because it reminds me of how I’m feeling. So if you draw some meticulous and something that represents how you feel you might feel better. Whip out some water color, and if you don’t have that, get a glass of water and a paint brush and mix the pencil graphic to make it smooth. Best of wishes Noise