I need some advice

I am having a lot of auditory and visual hallucinations I can’t even leave the house. I am off my medicine and can’t get any until two weeks from now. I am having suicidal thoughts and the voices are telling me to hurt myself. I am having conversations with the voices and believe that there are people out to kill me by any means necessary. I see them out my window sometimes.

I’m sorry to say this, but you might need to check yourself in, if that’s the only way to get medicated. Have you called your doctor?

I have not talked to my DR I only set up an appointment. I got the medicine I was on in the hospital and they only gave me a 10 day supply and I missed my appointment to get refills so I have no medicine and no refills for two weeks at least.

Why cant you get medication sooner? What about going to a er room? Calling your dr. Telling them it’s an emergency? Maybe a dr. Can give you samples.

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I don’t have much motivation to get on the phone or do anything really. I tried calling my DR and he said he won’t refill what he did not prescibe as the hospital changed my meds all around.

Perhaps even walking into an urgent care they will treat you.

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I went through that a few months ago. I got out of the hospital and only had two week supply. They changed my appointment but I had a pharmacologist I called and she got me more until I got into see my pdoc. I don’t know if you have that option but I got them overnight delivery.

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